Stopping Old Wounds from Stealing Relationships

How to Stop Old Wounds From Stealing Into Relationships

Old wounds have many ways of stealing into relationships. They can disrupt a connection, prevent a connection from reaching take-off, or slowly pull at a relationship until it’s gasping for air. Everyone is capable of having a connection that is loving and life-giving – a relationship that allows each person to be completely seen, stripped back to bare, pretences gone, flaws and vulnerabilities on full show. It’s beautiful, but it’s not easy, because this type connection requires openness and vulnerability. The walls need to fall and the armour needs to soften.

Here’s the dilemma – let go of the armour and risk being hurt, but don’t let go of the armour and the relationship you deserve will struggle to find you. 

Armour is the protective wrap we put around ourselves to stop the things that have hurt us before from ever hurting us again. It isn’t a bad thing – we all have it and we all need it – but the tougher and tighter the armour, the harder it is to connect, feel loved, and give love. You might feel the love, deeply and purely, put it just can’t get through the way it needs to.

The deepest wounds often come from childhood. They can affect the way people see the world, themselves and their relationships. They can shape the expectations people have of themselves and others, and what they think they deserve. They can also affect people on a physiological level – the way they hold themselves physically, the way they move, their nervous system, and their brain. But none of this has to be permanent.

Of course, not all wounds come from childhood. Few of us reach adulthood without having had our hearts broken, our ideas about love questioned and our spirits bruised. It’s how we deal with this that will determine the power our history has to keep hurting us. In fact, by providing an opportunity for self-reflection, learning and experimentation, past hurts can be the gateway to stronger relationships – but this does take effort, a willingness to explore and the courage to experiment with a different way of being.

The capacity for that is in all of us. In the same way that with deliberate effort and practice we can expand our physical capabilities, we can also extend well past the self-enforced limits of our emotional edges. 

How do I know that an old wound is at play?

When there is chronic fighting in a relationship, it’s likely that old wounds are feeding the battle. The existence and influence of old wounds will often be out of our awareness. We won’t know they’re there, but their effects will be obvious.

Old wounds set to work when something in the present moment triggers old memories that are attached to old hurts. When this happens, we react to the new situation as though it’s an old one.

There are a few ways to tell that an old wound is at play:

  1. The conflict is constant, and always feels the same. 
  2. Your emotional reaction to something within the relationship is intense and out of proportion to whatever seemed to cause it. 
  3. Your reaction is difficult to shift.

Let’s get practical.

Here are some things that will enrich and enliven any relationship. Try experimenting  and see which ones nourish your relationship and deepen your connection.

  1. Love yourself like you would anyone else.

    Pay attention to your own needs. Everything you need to find balance and live whole-heartedly is already in you. The clues will come out as feelings, whispers, and thoughts you can’t get rid of. Take notice. It’s your intuition and it knows what you need. Don’t ignore it, push it further down into you or shut it down. If you’re someone who has had plenty of being ignored throughout your life, this is where you get to stand up and give yourself the love you deserve.

  2. Feel your feelings. 

    If the way you deal with hurt and disappointment is with a stoic pushing down of the feeling, try trusting your capacity to support yourself. The only way to deal with feelings is to feel them. They exist for a good reason and hold information about what you need or the direction you need to take. The more you push them down, the more damage they do – they toughen your armour, harden you and swipe at your capacity to connect. Let the feelings unfold, feel them a bit more than last time, and trust that you’ll be okay – because you will be.

  3. Watch the things you tell yourself in an argument. 

    Be careful of self-talk that sounds like self-pity, victim talk, defensiveness or anger. Self-talk is the silent, automatic messages that swirl around in your head. It’s powerful and shapes the way you relate to the world. When you listen to the messages, you might be surprised by the tone and the words. The way you talk to yourself will leak into the way you are with the people close to you. Your self-talk might need some redirecting. This will mean being clear and strong with yourself sometimes, and comforting and tender at other times. 

  4. Your vulnerabilities are beautiful. Don’t hide them.

    There are parts of all of us that are so soft, tender and raw that the temptation is to hide them away for protection. They’re the things you think about at 2am, the feelings you feel that nobody knows about, your insecurities, your fears. They’re the fragile parts of you and it would make sense to hide them if you were in a harsh or unsupportive environment but now you’re in a different one. Let your partner see them – don’t cover them with anger, denial or pretence. This might feel risky and you might feel as though it’s easier and safer to keep your frayed edges protected, wrapped up and tucked away where nobody can see, but trust that whatever happens you can support yourself, vulnerabilities and all. You’re not the same person you were all those years ago. Open up, little by little. It doesn’t have to all be about self-disclosure. It might be in the way you relate, the way you touch, the loving words you offer, the softening of yourself around someone. It’s about being vulnerable, because you can’t have intimacy without it. 

  5. Stay with the tough stuff.

    What do you do when the conversation gets hard? Do you flare up? Shut down? Walk away? Stay? The temptation might be for fight or flight, and it’s likely that you’ll have a favourite. It’s also likely that neither are a great option. Try slowing things down so you can respond more deliberately and be less barrelled by automatic responses and old memories that happen out of your awareness. Avoiding difficult conversations has a way of driving distance between people. When one of you disengages, the other will soon follow. When this happens, issues will keep their heat and turn the solid foundation of your relationship to mud. If you feel yourself getting flighty, try grounding yourself. Feel your feet on the floor, your back, your legs. Slow your breathing and remember that they are just feelings. They’ll come, and then they’ll go. When the temptation is to disengage, focus on your partner and remember why it’s important that you stay.

  6. Widen the space between what happens, and how you respond.

    We all get into habitual ways of responding in relationships. They happen instantly and without conscious thought. Slow down the process. Breathe so you can give yourself time and widen the space between what happens or what is said, and your response. Then, when you’re ready, speak clearly, openly, and without blame or judgement. That doesn’t mean you can’t point out the problems, but do it from a position of strength, grace and love, not righteousness. Consider what you can do – or stop doing – to make it easier for the other person to give you what you need. The more open and emotionally generous you can be, the more the other person will have permission to do the same. 

  7. Use the forgive button. A lot.  

    All relationships will come into conflict now and then. When you’re with someone who loves you, there will be a ton of power that comes from being hurt. Use it wisely. We all get it wrong sometimes and we all do stupid things that hurt the people we love. When you’re the one who has been hurt, acknowledge it, discuss it, feel hurt or angry, but don’t use your hurt or anger as a way to keep the power or control in the relationship. Use it to feed a conversation and to find a better way to do things, but don’t use your hurt or anger to lift you to the saddle of your high horse. It can be pretty cold and lonely up there. That doesn’t mean you have to accept every bit of nonsense going around – you don’t. What it means is that not holding out on a resolution or fight dirty because of a sense of entitlement or ‘rightness’. The silent treatment, getting personal or nasty, or fiercely claiming victim status might feel good at the time, but it will sink your relationship in the long run. Righteous people can be hard work – you don’t want to be one of those.

  8. Let go of ‘perfection’. It’s weighing you down.

    We humans can be pretty great to be around, but we’re far from perfect. The problem with perfection is that it overlooks the sobering fact that you can’t be perfect at everything. When you’re striving for perfection in one area, another area will suffer. It’s just the way it is. When you put the expectations of perfection onto your relationship or your partner, it’s going to cause trouble. If you’re reading this and you’re thinking something like, ‘I don’t get it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting things to be perfect,’ or ‘I’m not righteous, it’s just that I’m pretty much always right, but that’s not my fault,’ explore how your need to be perfect or right might be affecting your relationship, then loosen the hold and open up to enjoying your forgiving, fun, honest, imperfect relationship.

  9. Say what is true.

    Speak with an open heart. This doesn’t mean attacking, blaming, judging or criticizing in the name of honesty. Attack is attack and criticism is criticism, however you dress them up. The phrase, ‘just being honest’ is too often used as a poor disguise for ‘just being mean’. Speaking with an open heart means talking about how you feel. It’s letting yourself be seen in a way that makes it easy for others to respond and give you what you need. This will mean going deeper into what you’re feeling and finding the truth behind it. If you’re angry, what’s the feeling underneath it? What are the words? Anger never exists on its own and there’s always something – sadness, insecurity, fear, guilt, jealousy. If you feel the need to shut down or close up, what’s behind that? What are you scared will happen if you stay open? Avoiding an issue doesn’t make it any less true. It just gives it the power to hurt you from the dark.

  10. Don’t leave the loving up to someone else.

    When you don’t love yourself enough, your guard will either be too far up or not up far enough. Anyone will do or nobody will do – and that’s a lonely way to live. Don’t be the bully that judges, shames or criticises you. Chances are you’ve had enough of that already. The monster is well fed – don’t feed it any more. 

  11. Be fully wherever you are.

    Listen with your heart and your full body. People will open up and be more ready to connect when they feel heard and seen. Too often in conversation, we’re not fully there. Instead, we’re distracted by other things or by thinking about how we’ll respond. Feel what’s being said rather than listening to it. When your partner is talking notice how you hold your body. Are you open? Attentive? Available? What about your face? Is it hard? Warm? Tender? Are you thinking about your response or are you listening to what’s being said?

  12. Your wounds don’t have to wound you anymore. 

    Your wounds don’t have to wound you anymore. They’re the proof of your resilience, your strength and your courage and now they can work hard for you. First though, you’ll have to shine the light on them. Don’t keep them in the dark, otherwise you won’t see them coming when they crash into you. When you have an emotional reaction to your partner, what does this remind you of? What is your earliest memory of these feelings? You might need to sit with them for a while to let them speak to you. What about your partner? Who does he or she remind you of? Then – how are they different? Focusing on the differences will help you to stop seeing your partner or your relationship through an old filter. 

And finally …

It’s important to remember that when trying anything new, it will feel awkward for a while and the temptation will be to run back to what’s familiar. Be aware of this and move back into your safety zone if you want to, but remember the reasons you wanted to move out of it and let it be a temporary refuge, not a permanent address. 

It’s easy to accept that the way you feel and the things you believe are normal – they may be, but that doesn’t mean they’re working for you. There is always the possibility for a new kind of normal. One that is richer, more open, more loving and more connected. The shift might not be a quick one, but with courage and the readiness to experiment with the world and your relationships, it’s always possible to find a new way to be – one that feels more whole-hearted and vital. 

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[irp posts=”810″ name=”Fighting Fair in A Relationship: How to Get What You Need and Stay Close While You Do It”]



To the community on here who’s just trying to figure it out.. great job and keep going.

Our 5+ year relationship (think twin flame) came to a screeching halt when I offered my partner space. I will do my best to summarize. For the first 3 years of the relationship, although I supported my girlfriend in many important areas of life, school, housing, etc.. at the same time I was also drinking and could be verbally abusive. For the past 2 years I have completely changed my person and my nature around. I am 2 years sober and have been that consistent person showing up for my partner the way that was needed each and every day. My partner struggles with severe depression. My partner has severe unresolved trauma from her mother that she is back living with for the past 2 years( financial reasons). My partner can neither look at her mother in the eyes, nor have a conversation with her mother because of how much trauma is there from a little girl and still happening to this day.

Last month, the family had an idea for a surprise trip for her mothers birthday, to wherever her favorite place is. They decided 9 days at in international destination. My girlfriend said that was not a good idea and she could only do maybe 2-3 days somewhere domestic because of her relationship with her mother. No one listened and we went. During that trip I lost my temper on my girlfriend ( in private) like I did in the past. Not only that but I lost my temper with her mother as well(in front of the whole family) . Since returning home I believe I have been subconsciously pushing my girlfriend away. Because of her depression a lot of times she is present but not present. That has never been an issue for our relationship before now, as I knew she was struggling but that she didn’t love me less even if she couldn’t show it. Since my slip up on vacation I have not accepted her normal explanations for not being present and have been telling her that she must not be happy in the relationship and should take space. Finally, after she offered me multiple other explanations, I finally seemed to have convinced her and she agreed she needs space and that she is not happy.

For the past 2 years of her moving back home,I will often go over to her moms, only to see my girlfriend in tears, telling me that she can not take another second of living there at her mothers. The frequent comments my girlfriend would often make in regards to her living situation was:

* I am so overwhelmed here.
* I cannot take living here for another second
* My Nervous system feels broken.
* Im drowning
* I get more peace at work then I do at home.

For the first 3 years when we were living together in my house is also when my girlfriend also decided to pursue a career in the medical field. She worked her absolute butt off and graduated with top marks and landed a job in no time. The idea behind moving back to our parents, was so she could pay off her student loans and I could save for another home for us. Those 2 years of us being back home between us could not have been stronger or so I thought. I am sober, loving, doting, consistent and we were best friends. But once I made the mistake while on vacation I have been convincing her she’s not happy and she finally decided she isn’t happy and officially ended the relationship. Now all of those things that she felt while living back home she now has taken aim at me and is now putting the sole focus of her unhappiness on me.

One last thing is that since being sober and seeing the relationship with more clarity, I have often seen the hurt in my partners eyes from what happened in the past, and have asked her throughout the last 2 years, if she thinks she can learn to forgive me and heal while we are together or if she might need to do that alone.For so much of the relationship I did not know if she was projecting her trauma on me from her mother or if it was her trauma from me, early on in the relationship, that she hasn’t been able to forgive. For 5.5 years she pushed through and stuck it out with me only to take me up on my offer for space and then completely end it. She also knows that I had a ring for her that her mother gave me …

I am not that man that I was 2 years ago and so hearing all of this now is very difficult to comprehend, and extremely painful. I want her to heal no matter what the cost, it is just hard to comprehend this now after the changes were made, at least some of the changes from my end.


This article is really insightful and sets excellent groundwork for starting the journey to healing past the wounds. Last night, I hurt the most amazing woman I’ve ever been with and I’m not sure we will make it. I hurt her because I lied and didn’t start our relationship off the healthy way by firmly closing doors from my past. She found out because she had the notion to go through my phone. I’ve been 100% faithful inside of our relationship but she found out that I was still dealing with an ex during our “courtship” and there was some emotional overlap. I realize through this article that I’ve always had my armor up. I was introduced to armor as a child. Armor kept me safe from feeling discomfort, feeling like a failure, feeling weak or imperfect, from how it felt when my parents came down on me (My Mother struggles with depression). It kept me protected when I was sexually violated as a kid. It kept me safe when I grew up and dated takers vs givers like myself. It kept me warm when I had to self soothe, experienced distrust and felt like I had no space to be naked. Armor has kept me. So I walked into this, afraid to admit my shortcomings or bad decisions, afraid of judgement, afraid of her perceptions, just not able to be naked. And now what I did to provide me and my truth protection, has backfired and I may have lost her. Of all the people I’ve been with that didn’t deserve me or have my best interest at heart, she’s one that does. And I’ve blown it up. I can’t apologize enough. She’s been alone in the room all day, not eating, not talking and just crying. I own my wrong and I truly desire to love and be loved beyond my armor. Perhaps it’s too late.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I am going through something a bit similar. What happened? We’re you able to work it out? I’ve been waiting a month hoping my boyfriend will reach out to me and that we can repair our relationship. I am wishing you guys the best! 🤞🏻🤞🏻


This article was so helpful! So true! My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 Yrs & have tried a couple’s therapist only once but he didn’t want to continue & we definitely need tools to help us communicate better but, it’s seems like I’m the only one making an effort & we have a business together, working together as well causes conflict so I’ve been trying to find solutions and this article explained well the reality of conflicts in relationships, thanks!


I have struggled with having a painful past from my childhood, I got into university and started dating an amazing guy then all my past wounds started surfacing….. My boyfriend would make a small mistake (like most humans do) and I’d make a very big issue out of it, I’d start crying and start feeling all my past pains and at times push him away…. I also keep wanting things to be perfect, I also struggle forgiving him, he begs for my forgiveness for days and days… When he does one thing wrong, I start bringing up all the other wrong things he has ever done…. This article has really help me understand what’s at play and how to stop it. Thank you very much.


Because HE is not the problem. She is showing the necessary courage to face her own issues so that she can stop treating him unfairly.


You sound like an excellent writer and knowledgeable, however I couldn’t get past the first few paragraphs because I don’t have a problem being open and risking being hurt – g knows I’ve done it enough times and been hurt and disappointed enough times. The problem is finding a man who is/can be/will be open. Of all the men I’ve “dated” (I don’t call it that – not really an Australian thing) only one was truly open and he just didn’t have his life together at all. With him for the first time I didn’t feel alone in a relationship. I didn’t feel alone in the world. I don’t know about men in other countries but in Australia men do not tend to be vulnerable and open. More like rocks, ballasts, jokers. Everyone seems easy going, down to earth and all those cliches. Getting through that to the real person is exhausting.

Albie m

From experience, I’ve learnt that I’ve actually opened up once I feel fully comfortable with whom I’m speaking to, just because then there aren’t any judgements made towards each other.


Honestly it hurts a lot. Let me paint the picture for you. I met this woman in my second round of college when I was 26. She was maybe 20. I thought about asking her out but she has a boyfriend.

I move and a year goes by. She starts emailing me. She asks me out. We start dating. I’m excited because I thought we were meant to be.

Month 2 of dating, we go to a conference where we meet other students from the college we met at. One of the classmates says don’t hurt her.

After 7 months she says I want to proposed to after one year of dating. Shortly before the year comes up. Now I start saving for a ring. I get laid off and etc. I explain that I might not have enough money for a ring. Anyway a year goes by and she dumps me.

She says we need to find ourselves career wise.

It hurt. I feel like if you love someone you can figure that stuff out together.

Marie R

Hello. I enjoyed this article I have done extensive work
In therapy to To heal my childhood wounds. I am a healthy person and love myself. I have deep friendships and have had very peaceful intimate relationships that were compatible. But my delemma is I have not fallen in love In many years. I’ve grown to love but not fallen in love. Will the feeling of falling in love still happen if you are healthy and healed the wounds?I no longer lose myself in relationships? I can be very close and intimate and still come away with my healthy whole self. Maybe it just hasn’t happened yet but I wanted to make sure it can still happen if the wounds are healed. Thank you


Hi, well done for admitting, accepting & wanting change, my ex blamed me for all of my insecurities, he never saw how emotionally detatched he was & how that affected me/us so badly till HE ended it, still not seeing or admitting any fault, very sad & painful, when it could have been so wonderful & beautiful!!



What did you do? 5+ years of being in this exact relationship. It’s totally consumed me and drained me to say the least. I’m a shell of the person I was and struggling to walk away. It’s a very long complicated story. I left my 37 year marriage and lost closeness with my adult children for a man I’ve lnown for over 30 years and then he turned into someone I never would have spent a second with a total monster. Did you have to leave the relationship? What and are you doing now..

holly g

I love how optimistic and all inclusive your article is. I am 70 years old and in a relationship with a man that I went to high school with. We both clearly have some wounds from childhood as well as from past relationships. We have found many similarities in each other and we share the same code of ethics and morals and values. We want a close meaningful relationship. Thank you for input that will help us achieve our goals. Kind regards ..


Seriously . Get a divorce .

Life is way to short to suddenly become a Psychologist in a relationship.



Recently my boyfriend of 5 months (we worked together for years, started talking more about a year ago, dated through April, broke up in May because he was gone all the time and I didn’t feel he wanted our relationship but reconnected in August so I say 5 months but really we’ve been close for almost a year) and I had a serious discussion regarding an old wound. He spends a good amount of time on social media and I had noticed that despite our many trips together and opportunities to be connected publicly, he was actively avoiding me on there. The first time I talked about it was when he left for a month on a trip. I wanted to be with him so badly and everyday I saw new posts where he was with another woman. She is just a traveling buddy but it was a constant reminder that they were together and I was not. They would tag each other so it would even say “name is with name”. This hurt me a lot because I would never see “he is with me”. I brought it up again after a big trip we took together. I tagged him in a group of everyone going; no response. I tagged him in a select couple of pictures; no response. He said he just hadn’t seen the tags and there would be pictures in the future. The future came and still nothing. I got to meet more very good friends of his and one of them tagged both of us in a group photo. He didn’t accept. Consistently he was saying that is was a coincidence; it wasn’t a big deal for him. Finally, after seeing more tags from his travel buddy and many shares of old memories, some done when we were physically in the same room, I brought it up again. “What are your reservations about our relationship; why do you actively avoid including me in anything online?” He said the same things he usually does but also had mentioned he would post a certain set of pictures to prove it wasnt a big deal. I didn’t jump on it right then but at the end of the conversation I said “fine, if it isnt a big deal then do it” as somewhat of a challenge. I was done with the subject and wanted finality to the whole thing. He posted the pictures and things seemed fine until he revealed that they had triggered an inner struggle. He told me that he was considering leaving me because of it; because in a past relationship he had had the same issue but that person was very controlling. He told me about how he thought it through and realized that I wasn’t her. That this is a different situation. He also said to not press the button again. That it was serious. I shut down. I heard “If you bring this up again I will leave you” but I don’t think that is what he meant. Now I feel terrible about shutting down and reacting defensively. I was trying to figure out what I did wrong. Assure myself that my wants were normal. Even as a friend, why was he excluding me? Then I realized that exclusion is a wound of mine. Last night he said he wanted to relax and have a nice night but I was still hurt from the accusation of being a controlling person and we didn’t relax at all. I had to sit there exposed in front of his whole family. I couldnt hold it together all night. There were no distractions; just bare conversation. Now I am going back tonight. I want to let him know that I am still proud of him for confronting this wound. That I heard at least part of what he was saying. I want to let him know I’m sorry for my reaction. I just don’t know how. I’ve been reading up on what he’s going through since yesterday. I wish I could show him that he isn’t alone. I’ve found myself in a situation where I am afraid to bring it up again. I wont for now but I know that eventually it will come up again. I have unfollowed him on social media so I can at least not see when he appears with another person, almost always other women, online. It hurts too much to see that and not be present myself. Not sure if I’m really asking anything here but I wanted to share and hopefully someone will have some sort of input to the situation. I want to be with him but I don’t want to be kept in the shadows. If there weren’t so many other women in his life would the social media thing matter less? I trust him but it was such a red flag and now Im paying for my questioning of it with tears.


You are being kept in the shadows! listen to your intuition, move on you deserve so much better!!


Hi Guys,

Just thought I could ask for some advice.

In February this year, I had a surgery in Vienna, Austria where I met the love of my life. She was working at the hospital at the time, and actually on her last week there, as she was planning to leave her bf after 7 years, and move back to her hometown Klagenfurt. To keep the story short, we both fell in love and things with us were just heaven – perfect. Soon we made a few trips, spoke about a future together, kids etc. and in September we even spent a few days on holidays with her family in Italy.

For the first time, I felt that I found the person that I wanted to spend my life with – and I’m sure she felt the same, I could feel that. But suddenly, things changed. She felt distant, wanted time away from me, didn’t want me to come and see her or visit me etc. (as we live about 2 hours apart) and eventually, she wrote me a letter saying that she’s going through a difficult time, dealing with past hurts, crying all the time, feeling sad and can’t be with me during this time because it’s unfair to me to see her like that, even though I let her know that I’d support her with anything.

Since then, I’ve backed off completely, giving her space, but you can imagine how I’m feeling, missing her like crazy, as we haven’t spoken in almost a month.

Any advice would be so welcome and appreciated.

Kind regards and many thanks from Slovenia,


Loving the right person with the wrong emotions

This article brought some light to some issues that I am facing with in my current relationship. Past issues that I’ve dealt with in my last relationship are surfacing in my current and I need to know why. I did not know I was harboring so many hurt emotions until me and my current boyfriend had a disagreement. I know its going to take time and its going to take tears but knowing the truth and dealing with it, is worth it instead of losing someone who loves you.

Thank You!


Hi, i know what you mean, i subconciously did this with the love of my life, yet he did trigger me alot, he ended us a year ago, leaving me to feel the blame & still do as he never took any responsibility for being emotionally detatched, which is what triggered so much pain & rejection, yet he chose to leave instead of see why & work on it, extemely painful & still is, cause i believe & still do that because of past issues on both sides & not working together, cause he chose not to, it failed!! I dont know why old pain is triggered, im still working on that through a professional, but i sincerely wish you all the best & happiness & most of all that your partner supports you!!


My boyfriend was an alcoholic. Now that he has stopped. Guilt and depression has taken over as it was masking his guilt that he made bad choices or so he thinks. About not being the father he thinks he should have been after their mother died 3 yrs ago
He tries to push me away saying he doesn’t want me to go through this.
That he doesn’t LOVE himself so how can he live anyone else. And who would want to love him .
I can honestly say that I have never known a love like his.
I am a sensitive empath so I feel his pain and have my own past guilt but have learned to love myself
His mother is an enabler. He moved from our home back to her place he’s 47.
He stays at my place and cares for our cat when I’m working
Says he wants to be friends but his stuff is still at our home
I told him if I am to overbearing or say to much to help him through this stage of his life to tell me
I tell him every day that I love him for who he is and that he is enough and that he is worthy if love
What else can I do or say
Or do I just walk away. I am the only woman who hasn’t given up on him and don’t want to walk away and I know deep inside he loves me or he’d be gone
Need some help to help him


Thank you so much for this saved me and my partners relationship giving us key points we needed to listen to thank you


I absolutely loved the information! I’m presently going through a bad break up of which I was a major player. I know that my past “Mommy” issues have much to do with tools that crept in destroyed the fabric of my relationship with a woman I loved so much! Its very painful when you hurt other people and yourself in the process. I’m determined to get to the root of the why’s in my emotional make-up. I can’t remain this way. I have to do the work.

Thanks again

Karen - Hey Sigmund

Cecil I love your openness to doing what you need to do to find a happier version of yourself. We all have things we need to learn. The hardest part sometimes is being open to that. Strength and healing to you.


I am glad your one person who admitted your wrongdoing caused hurt to the other. My BF hurt me a lot but eventually came back to me however I go through the pain of the past, hurt and often back flashes of how he said painful things. Now that he is back with me its like as if I caused the injury, it is like I am the wrong person. I endure at this moment as one thing i appreciated he came back to me after going out with another woman and I fear losing him…but it is like often he does not think he was in the wrong.


I feel like the relationships that we choose to nurture and tend to in a positive and supportive way, and that positivity is reflected back to me, are the only ones worth having. Nobody deserves to be used and abused, belittled and devalued, and those relationships really need to be examined to determine if there is the possibility of an eventual positive result for your efforts. If not then you’re just hiding out in a dead-end relationship enabling your own abuse and you’ll never be happy. Recognize emotional abuse for what it is and have a serious conversation with the other person. Do it in writing or over a chat if things tend to get too heated in person. Keep it simple and tell them that their behavior & words are hurtful and not supportive. Refusing to accept that they are the problem and not you is a red flag. Recognize improving behavior and feel confident delving in a little deeper. If the behavior is not improving then it never will. They’ll continue to say one thing and do the opposite. And everything will always be your fault. Know that you have the strength to move on and that you will be better off without the abuse, without the abuser in your life. One in ten people is a sociopath so your odds of running into one are quite high. Nobody deserves to be abused. Read up on the many shades of abuse and get out sooner rather than later. It’s always easier that way. Love yourself and those in your life. It’s all we need. <3


Hey! So I had a major breakup with my boyfriend of 3 years and it was pretty much done by the time we seperated so there werent any lingering feelings.
Shortly after that I started seeing someone and they had a major issue with my ex being a part of my life even as a friend and that’s understandable but now in the entire process of cutting my ex out I have hurt the current guy to the level that his feelings have gone! I know I am the one at fault but trying to stay in touch on a regular basis and showing him that I am a better person would bring back the feelings?
PS: I have blocked my ex from everywhere now!


I felt comfort from reading all of the above….
I don’t like to regard myself as a victim but certainly feel the hurt I am currently going through.

Around a year ago I broke up with my partner who I had been with for around 3 years. It wasn’t an easy 3 years as we both had baggage to deal with. My mental state at the time of the break up wasn’t very stable, my hormones was everywhere, but this is not an excuse to break up with someone I loved deeply.

About a week after I found out he was seeing someone new, which he publicised all over social media and behaved with her exactly the same way he behaved with me.

A couple of months later we got back together, but now it seems different, I am different, I am very insecure, suspicious, hurt and he, on the other hand, although has said he regrets what he did, is kind of more arrogant and egotistical in his manner. I feel he has complete control in the relationship. I do love him but no longer trust anything he says and does 🙁


Hi, well done for admitting, accepting & wanting change, my ex blamed me for all of my insecurities, he never saw how emotionally detatched he was & how that affected me/us so badly till HE ended it, still not seeing or admitting any fault, very sad & painful, when it could have been so wonderful & beautiful!!



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Anxiety is about felt safety. It doesn’t mean your young one isn’t safe. It means they don’t feel safe. 

The question then is, what would help them feel safer? This doesn’t mean anxiety will go away, and we don’t need it to. What we’re looking for is what would help you feel braver and safer, even when you’re anxious? 

It also doesn’t mean school is doing anything wrong. But maybe there are little shifts that will make a big difference.

There will always be anxiety whenever there is something brave, new, hard, or growthful to do. But anything we can do to help them feel safer, will help anxiety feel more manageable, and hard things feel more do-able. 

So let’s have the conversation. What’s@one thing school could do that would help your child feel safe enough, so they could do brave enough. There are no wrong answers.♥️
One little brave step at a time. It doesn’t matter how big the steps are, or how long it takes as long as the steps are forward. 

The steps won’t always feel gentle. The big feelings that come with this won’t hurt them, as long as they are safe and they aren’t alone in their distress. Lead, with love. ‘I know this feels big, and I know you can do this. I’m right here with you. We’ll handle this together.’ 

It doesn’t have to be you who is with them, as long as it is someone they feel safe with and care about by - a teacher, a relative, a grandparent - any important adult in their lives who can help them feel seen, loved, and safe through the storm.♥️
‘Yeah, that feels big doesn’t it. I get that. So if you can’t to the whole thing/ the whole time/ all of it, tell me what you can do. And don’t tell me nothing, because that’s not an option.’♥️
First, we ask the questions of us:

Are they relationally safe?
- Do they have an anchor adult at school?
- Do they know how to access this adult?
- Do they feel welcome, a sense of belonging, warmth from their adults?

Do they feel safe in their bodies?
- Are they able to move their bodies when they need to?
- Are they free from sensory overload or underload?
- If not, what is their bare minimum list to achieve this with minimum disruption to the class, keeping in mind that when they feel safer in their bodies, there will naturally be less disruptive behaviour and more capacity to engage, learn, regulate.

Then we ask the question of them:

What's one little step you can take? And don't tell me nothing because I know that you are amazing, and brave, and capable. I'm here right beside you to show you how much. I believe in you, even if you don't believe in yourself enough yet.❤️

#anxietyrelief #anxiouskids #anxietyinkids #anxiousteens #childanxiety #positiveparenting

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