5 Ways to Prepare Your Child to Deal With Rejection

5 Ways to Prepare Your Child to Deal With Rejection

It’s perfectly natural that we want to protect our children from some of the harsher realities of life, particularly when it comes to anything to do with failure, rejection or getting their heart broken. The need to protect our children is, of course, an almost primal one, so deeply ingrained in parents it might as well be in our DNA.

But if this impulse isn’t checked every now and again, it can lead to our children being smothered and overprotected from the adversities which they will have to tackle in adult life, whether parents like it or not. Understanding and dealing with rejection is an essential life skill if your child is to live a happy, successful personal and professional life. It can be a fine line between introducing them to the adversities of adult life, versus unnecessarily dampening or crushing their hopes and dreams. Realism needs to go hand in hand with compassion if your child’s mental health is to be protected.

So, with this in mind, here are five useful strategies for preparing your child for rejection.

Strategy 1: Tie your child’s self-worth to their character, not their achievements

One of the most important things you can do for your child is to ensure that their sense of self-worth is not tied to their achievements, be that the number of trophies won for a particular sport, or their grades at the end of a school term. This is especially true if your child starts getting involved in a high-pressure, high skill activity from a young age. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, ballet, or a team sport, you need to ensure your child’s success is tied to their efforts, their character, their morals and, when it comes to competitive activities, a sense of fair play.

This will stop your child from buying into a winner’s culture, which is much better for their sense of self-esteem, and stop them being cowed by failure.

Strategy 2:  Empathise with their failure

One of the best things you can do is empathise with your child’s sense of failure; don’t attempt to belittle it, or dismiss it. Failure can feel very raw in the immediate aftermath, especially if your child has put a lot of effort into a particular endeavour. Telling them to “move on,” or “get over it”, will not ultimately help them. Of course they need to move on from the setback eventually, but in the mean-time, they will benefit greatly from knowing that you, their parent and role model, knows exactly how they feel and can relate to their current emotional state. After all, you were young once too.

Strategy 3: Make failing a part of the learning process

This is a vital strategy if you’re going to instil a positive attitude to rejection in your son and daughter. It’s important that failure is understood to be a key component of our learning process, and not the end of a particular process or journey. It’s important that your son and daughter understands that failure does not mean that they are intrinsically bad at something, but rather a step on the road to further improvement.

This means that you should be teaching your child that failure is totally acceptable and normal; it’s also vital that they are equipped with strategies for analysing failure and then working out how they can learn from it.

Strategy 4: Encourage them to take ownership of their failures

Taking accountability for failure is one of the most important skills your son or daughter will need in the world of work. Trying to off-load responsibility for your short-comings onto someone else isn’t likely to win them many friends in their personal and professional lives. Taking ownership of a failure is intrinsic to learning from it and means that responsibility becomes a core strategy in coping with rejection.

Strategy 5: Be objective

This might sound like utterly nonsensical advice, especially because you are a parent – and being objective about your own son or daughter is very difficult. But learning to take a step back and allowing your child to fail on their own terms is essential for their personal and professional development. They won’t thank you for interfering in their lives when their older.

The four strategies above will ultimately only work if they all feed into the fifth strategy; you can’t let your own feelings and emotions get in the way when trying to help your children to deal with theirs. If you want your children to understand that failure is an objective lesson, rather than a personal flaw, then objectivity needs to be at the core of trying to teach your child about the difficulties of rejection.

About the Author:  Ann Heathcote

Ann HeathcoteAnn Heathcote opened The Worsley Centre for Psychotherapy and Counselling in 2001, as a centre for the provision of professional psychotherapeutic services.
The Worsley Centre is a warm and welcoming environment for people wishing to undertake counselling and psychotherapy. The practitioners at the Centre care deeply about each individual’s mental health and well-being. They all share a passion for providing high quality therapeutic services.

One Comment

Christa W

Thank you, this was very helpful. My granddaughter is currently having anxiety problems because she is battling to cope in school, so this advice will come in handy.

Christa W


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“An amazing new children’s book by @karenyoung_heysigmund -  arrived this past week and I’m obsessed! Explores Polyvagal states in the most fabulous and understandable ways! Going to read to my 5th grade class today! Thank you Karen!! #childrensbooks #students #Ieducators #education”
Sydney! We’re coming to you. The Resilient Kids Conference is a one day event for parents and professionals who live and work with kids and teens. 

Can’t make it? There’s now an ONLINE option so you can watch from anywhere in the world, with the recording available for 4 weeks after the conference. 

I’ll be talking about anxiety in young people, but this information is relevant for ALL OF US. We need to  change the way we think about anxiety and respond to it - so let’s talk about how. I’ll give you practical, meaningful ways to support and strengthen your kids and teens with in ways that will serve them not just for now, but for the rest of their lives. 

Two things I know for certain. 1. All kids have it in them to be brave and do the things that feel bigger than them sometimes. 2. Parents and their important adults have the most profound capacity to strengthen kids and teens against anxiety and build their confidence and courage. 

I love these conferences and I know parents walk out feeling excited and empowered. 

Since 2016, the Resilient Kids Conferences have attracted up to 800 attendees at a single event. It is beyond beautiful to see parents, educators, and many other professionals stream through the doors in anticipation of a soul fulfilling experience. By the end of the day their faces are beaming, and so is our teams. It’s a community of people, redefining resilience together.

I’ll be joining Maggie Dent, Michelle Mitchell, and Dr Justin Coulson. In person, online and group license tickets are available for this event.

Tickets (online and live). Link in bio.
When times feel uncertain or your own anxiety feels big, come home to the things that make sense. 

Come home to each other, to stillness, to play, to rest, and conversation. 

Come home to listening more openly and caring more deeply, to nature, and warm baths, and being more deliberate, to fighting for what we can control, and the soft surrender to what we can’t. 

Come home to stories, and music, and to the safety of your tribe. 

Come home to that part of you that is timeless, and strong, and still, and wise, and which knows that, like everything that has ever felt bigger than you for a while, you will get them and you through this.♥️
Separation anxiety can come with a tail whip - not only does it swipe at kids, but it will so often feel brutal for their important adults too.

If your child struggle to separate at school, or if bedtimes tougher than you’d like them to be, or if ‘goodbye’ often come with tears or pleas to stay, or the ‘fun’ from activities or play dates get lost in the anxiety of being away from you, I hear you.

There’s a really good reason for all of these, and none of them have anything to do with your parenting, or your child not being ‘brave enough’. Promise. And I have something for you. 

My 2 hour on-demand separation anxiety webinar is now available for purchase. 

This webinar is full of practical, powerful strategies and information to support your young person to feel safer, calmer, and braver when they are away from you. 

We’ll explore why separation anxiety happens and powerful strategies you can use straight away to support your child. Most importantly, you’ll be strengthening them in ways that serve them not just for now but for the rest of their lives.

Access to the recording will be available for 30 days from the date of purchase.

Link to shop in bio. 

The more we treat anxiety as a problem, or as something to be avoided, the more we inadvertently turn them away from the safe, growthful, brave things that drive it. 

On the other hand, when we make space for anxiety, let it in, welcome it, be with it, the more we make way for them to recognise that anxiety isn’t something they need to avoid. They can feel anxious and do brave. 

As long as they are safe, let them know this. Let them see you believing them that this feels big, and believing in them, that they can handle the big. 

‘Yes this feels scary. Of course it does - you’re doing something important/ new/ hard. I know you can do this. How can I help you feel brave?’♥️

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