Change happens in moments, bit by bit, with brave, small, daring steps that lead to something bigger. Sometimes they don’t feel that brave, that new or that daring – they just feel different, because they are. That’s what’s important, not the size of the change but that it’s different to what has been.
[bctt tweet=”Change happens in moments, bit by bit, with brave, small, daring steps that lead to something bigger.”]
It starts with one moment, one decision on one day – that’s all it takes to start something that could lead something extraordinary.
Starting the day.
- Start the day kissing. Or laughing. Or both. People and funny YouTube clips were pretty much invented largely for the purpose of keeping us loved up or laughing or both.
- Go for a walk. 20 minutes will do. Exercise is good for the body, great for the brain and one of the best ways to put yourself in a good mood.
- Wear perfume – or anything that smells delicious. If you’re not used to it, just try it. It’s a lovely way to feel lovely. Just think twice before you go nuts with it. Too much of a good thing can be wonderful – or too much.
Out the door.
- Smile at strangers. It’s good for you and good for them. You’ll never know whose day you’ll be making.
- Slow down. Notice. Listen. Be mindful.
- Claim your place in the world today. It needs you. The way you speak. The way you move. The way you are – all as.
- Move, speak, be – as though everything is geared in your favour. This one will surprise you with what it can do.
- Walk with a powerful stride. Take longer strides, hold your head up. It makes a difference. Just try it.
- Make eye contact when you say thank you.
- If you meet someone, notice them – enough to notice the colour of their eyes. See the difference it makes to your connection for a moment – or more.
And back home to your again … Nourish, treat, nurture.
- Nourish. Eat something that’s good for you.
- Treat. Eat something that’s comforting for you.
- Nurture. Bathe. Read – for learning or fun. Sleep.
This is something to have fun with, but fun doesn’t mean that it can’t mark the start of something wonderful.
Try them on your own or with a friend. Challenge yourself and, if you want to, each other.
See which ones you struggle with and then see if you can find out what that means for you. There is at least as much to gain from looking at the things that you struggle to do than there is from the things that come easily to you.
Experiment with them and enjoy them – because change doesn’t have to be big, and growth doesn’t have to be hard.
I was looking for something to help me and I read this and found this is what I want I couldn’t believe it please send more thank you