Stickers – Pack of 12 Individual Stunners
This 12 pack of gorgeous individual stickers aren’t your ordinary stickers. Yes they’re sticky, and yes they’re adorable (they said to say that), and each one has been lovingly crafted to help you feel brave so you can do brave when you need to. The pack includes:
- stickers to help you feel calmer and to ‘breathe on purpose’ (because anxious brains love it like a favourite thing when you ‘breathe on purpose’),
- stickers to remind you of your brave (because there is so much brave in you – and joy, and fun, and fabulous-ness, and sometimes anxiety – and always brave … oh my gosh so much brave),
- stickers to help you feel closer to your loved people when you can’t be right beside them (awww cute).
Stick on your mirror, your water bottle, your phone, your head – anywhere you like.
Here are some ways to use them:
- Trace the figure 8 to slow your breathing – in for 3, hold for 1, out for three … ahhhh … lovely.
- Ask your special person to fill the heart with hugs. Now you can take their hugs wherever you are (and this heart will never run out of hugs. Never. Like, ever.)
- At home, have your loved person cradle your palm in theirs. Now, have them use the fingers on their other hand to tap a rhthmic mantra – ‘You are – safe and – brave and – loved.’ Do this before bed, in the morning, at drop off – any time. Then, during the day, tap into your own palm and whisper to yourself (or yell it out loud because your loud is magnificent!) to remind yourself, ‘I am – safe and – brave and – loved’. When you do this, you’ll almost hear your special person’s voice, loving you, willing you towards brave. Nice one, brave one.
USD $8.13
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