Dealing with Anxiety: Using the Strength of an Anxious Mind to Calm Anxiety

Dealing with Anxiety: Using the Strength of an Anxious Mind to Calm Anxiety

An anxious mind is a strong, powerful mind, as anyone who has tried to rationalise themselves out of anxiety will tell you. An anxious mind can outrun, outpower and outwit rationality and logic any day of the week. What if you could harness the strength and power of that fiercely protective mind and use it to work for you instead of against you? 

Anxiety exists on a spectrum and we all experience it at some level. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t. Anxiety is a very normal response from a strong, healthy brain that thinks there might be trouble about, and instantly responds by making us stronger, faster, more powerful, more alert versions of ourselves.

Like any good thing though, too much is too much. When the brain is oversensitive to threat, it puts us on high alert even when there is no need to be. This is when anxiety becomes intrusive and hard to live with. It turns from the gentle security guard who shows up when needed, to the crasher who steals the joy, tells stories about nameless dangerous things, and cozies up beside you so close it’s hard to breathe, think and be.

Why is anxiety so powerful?

Anxiety is there to keep us safe. It is a call to action to fight or flee so we can move through danger. It’s there to keep us out of the way of trouble so the signals it sends have to be strong. The problem is that those signals aren’t always accurate. Anxiety is instinctive and automatic. It’s been practising its moves for thousands of years. That’s the thing about evolution – sometimes it works for us, sometimes it makes us vulnerable to anxiety. 

Anxiety was never meant to get in our way, but rather, to get us out of the way of danger. The part of the brain that drives anxiety thinks it’s doing the right thing. The more we fight it, the harder it will work to convince us that there’s danger and that we need to act. 

So if fighting an anxious mind doesn’t work, what then?

We know that an anxious mind is a strong, powerful mind. What if we could harness the strength and power of that fiercely protective mind and use it to work for us instead of against us? As strong as a mind can be in its experience of anxiety, it can be equally strong in calming it. Anxiety might still show up, but rather than appearing as the wolf at the door and sending your fiercely protective brain into a panic, it can be greeted more in the way of, ‘Oh hey there – I know you. Take a seat over there.’

We know that over time, mindfulness works to build and strengthen a brain against anxiety, but there are aspects of mindfulness that can be used in the midst of anxiety to find calm. With practice, they can be called on at will to turn down the volume on anxious thoughts and feelings, and any other symptoms that anxiety tends to keep company with. 

But go gently …

Changing mindset involves small, repeated steps. Each step builds on the one before it, and this takes time. That’s okay though – there’s no hurry. Remember, your mind has been doing what it’s doing for a while and it will take a while to unlearn its habits.

Those habits have had a good reason for being there. Anxious thoughts and anxious feelings keep us alive. They put us on standby to deal with anything that gets in the way. It’s going to take some convincing to show them that actually, the only thing getting in the way, are them.

Don’t try to do all of these strategies at once. Trying to keep a hold of so many different things will make your mind do the equivalent of throwing its hands in the air and walking away. Instead, choose one at a time and do it for a short while at a time. Small steps, but important ones. If you try to do them all at once, there is the risk of it feeling too hard. When things feel difficult, it is normal to run back to what’s familiar. The way around this is to go gently. Here’s how …

Dealing with Anxiety – Using the power of an anxious mind. 

Anxiety is the power of the mind against the mind. That power is your greatest asset – and it’s an exceptional one. Now to claim it back so you can use it in a way that will build and strengthen you.

  1. Be present. Be where you are, not where your anxiety wants to take you.

    Anxiety works by using a solid collection of ‘what-ifs’ and ‘maybes’ to haul even the strongest, bravest mind from a present that feels manageable and calm, to a future that feels uncertain and threatening. Experiment with staying fully present in the moment. Anchor yourself by opening up your senses. What do you see, feel, hear, taste, know? Stay with what is actually happening, rather than what might happen. If this feels uncomfortable, put a time limit on it, let’s say, two minutes to start with. Spend this time fully experiencing the world as it is around you now.

    Every time you do this, you will be strengthening your ability to pull back from the anxious thoughts that steal you away from the safety and security of where you are. Try to get into a regular practice each day, for however long you can – two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes – it doesn’t matter. There’s no right amount, but the longer the better. The main thing is to keep doing it. The brain strengthens and rewires with experience, and this is an experience that is so strengthening and healthy, your brain will love for it. 

    Try: ‘Right now, I’m here and I’m safe. I see the sky. I feel the breeze against my skin. I hear my footsteps’

  2. Be patient. Don’t be in a hurry to change your thoughts and feelings.

    Thoughts and feelings will come, they will stay, and then they will go. No thought or feeling stays forever. Be patient and know that whatever you are feeling, or whatever you are thinking, it will pass.

    Experiment with being fully present, without needing to push away any thoughts or feelings. There is no anxious feeling and no anxious thought that is stronger than you. However big they feel, you will always be stronger and more resilient. Be patient. Be open. Be curious. See what wisdom lies at the end of your anxious thoughts and feelings if you stay with them, rather than fight them. Let them stay for long enough to realise that you have no need for them today. 

     Try: ‘An anxious thought. That’s okay – you’ll leave when you’re ready.’

  3. Be an observer. Watch your thoughts and feelings without engaging with them. 

    Anxiety has a way of drawing you in and making you engage with every anxious thought that comes in thinking distance of you. It’s exhausting! Experiment with standing back and watching your thoughts as an observer, knowing that when they are ready, they will pass. Sometimes we need to engage with thoughts and feelings, and sometimes we need to stand back and wait for them move on. Try imagining your thoughts and feelings as a bubble, and then watch them float by.

    Experiment with letting them be, without needing to change them, understand them, or talk yourself out of them. Imagine them hovering in the air around you, without becoming a part of you. Just let them be, without holding on too tightly. When they are ready to go, let them go. Think of it like this – rather than standing in the middle of a thunderstorm, trying to change the direction of the wind, imagine yourself watching that storm through a window, knowing that it will pass. 

    Try: ‘There’s a thought about what might happen if it rains on the holiday. Look at that. Didn’t know that was there.’

    ‘A feeling about going to the interview. Interesting.’

  4. Trust your anxiety. Know that it won’t hurt you. 

    There are a lot of reasons anxiety feels so awful. Two of the big ones are because it comes with a bunch of ‘unknowns’, and because the physical feelings don’t make sense. A curious, strong, thoughtful mind will try to put these feelings and thoughts in context, because the idea that they are free-floating and not attached to anything feels even worse. You might find yourself wondering if your physical symptoms are a sign of something more serious. You might wonder if that ‘bad feeling’ means something bad is actually going to happen. You might worry about the worry (this is common with anxiety) – what’s driving it, how to you stop it.  that your anxiety isn’t a sign of something bigger. This is hard to do but the more you practice it, the stronger you will be at calming your anxious thoughts and not believing the messages they contact. Anxiety is there as a warning, not a prediction. Feel the security and safety of what that means for you.

    Try: ‘My heart feels as though it is pounding through my chest. This is anxiety. It’s not a symptom of something bigger. I’m safe.’

  5. Trust yourself. You are strong. You are resourceful. You will cope. You always have.

    Trust that whatever happens, you can deal with it – because you can, you absolutely can. This might not feel real for you at first, and that’s okay. Go with it and see what the experience has to give you. This is a learning process and it will take time. Underlying all worry, anxiety and stress is fear that we won’t be able to cope. Fear of failure, for example isn’t fear of the failure but fear that you won’t cope with the failure. Ditto for rejection, making a wrong decision – anything. You will cope. You’ve proven it over and over. See what happens when you move towards trusting that. If it doesn’t feel real, pretend until it does. From the outside it will look the same anyway.

    Try: ‘Whatever happens, I will cope. I always have.’ 

  6. Meet your anxiety where it is, without needing you or it to be different. 

    It’s paradoxical, but sometimes, the more we try to change something the more energy we give it, and the more it stays the same. (Keep telling yourself not to think of pink gorillas. Try really hard not to think of them. Keep telling yourself to stop thinking of pink gorillas. See how that works?) Anxious thoughts take up a lot of precious head space. They draw on our feelings, focus, thoughts and imagination. The more we try to make sense of them and control them, the more they feed into anxiety. Instead, experiment with being with your anxiety as it is, without needing to change it. Acceptance doesn’t make a feeling stronger or more enduring. It stops giving it energy.

    What you focus on is what becomes powerful. The more you focus on something, the more it flourishes and expands.Try to be with your anxiety without pushing against it. Don’t force it to go or to be different than it is. This will let you understand your anxiety more, which will bring it out of the dark and into a space in which you can deal with it.

    This isn’t easy, but it’s powerful. Try it in little bits and work up from there. Start with letting your feelings be as they are for two minutes, or however long feels okay for you. Sit with them, without needing them to be different. Then if you want to, after that you can give them your attention and try to turn them into something else. When you can, let them be as they are again. See how this feels, then when you’re ready, work up to longer.

    Try: ‘I am having a worried thought. My hands are clammy. My mouth is dry. This is anxiety]. And that’s okay.’

  7. Clear your filter.

    Messages and experiences from the past have a way of changing the filter through which we look at the rest of the world. This is the way it works for all of us – anxiety or no anxiety.

    Try to approach experiences and moments as though you are experiencing them for the first time. Even if you have been in many similar situations before, none of them will be exactly like this one. Notice the differences between what is and what has been. With every experience, you are changed somehow – wiser, braver, stronger, more capable, sometimes more anxious, more worried, more fearful. Be open to the new possibilities that can come from this new experience, because that’s what it is – a new experience.

    For example, if you have had a painful breakup, there might be a tendency to hold back from loving wholeheartedly again. New people and new relationships might feel risky. This is completely understandable, and staying away is a move that will keep you safe, but it will close down the possibilities and promise that are waiting for you to find them. Growth happens when we open ourselves up to ‘what is’, rather than letting new experiences be coloured by ‘what has been’. 

    Try: ‘This is a brand new experience. I’m open to discovering what will unfold for me here.’

    ‘This reminds me of all the times I’ve had to meet new people. These people are different. I’m different. This experience is different.’

  8. Surrender. Let go of the need for certainty, even if it’s just for a moment.  

    The future is always uncertain, so anxiety has a pretty easy time of causing a stir. Not everything will go to plan and that’s okay, but the more we try to control things, the more we tend to realise how little control we have. This will feel uncomfortable at first, so start with surrendering to the uncertainty for a small amount of time. Experiment with letting go of needing to control the moment, the future, the past, or the people around you. The more you are able to lean in to your uncertainty and tolerate it, the less power it will have over you.

    Try: ‘I don’t know what will happen if I have to change plans. And that’s okay.’

And finally …

Think of these strategies like drops in a bucket. The first time you try them, you might not notice much. Same with the second time, and the third time. Eventually though, the more you experiment with them and the more you use them, the more capacity you will have to harness the strength of your wild and beautiful mind and make it work more in your favour. You will learn that you will always have what it takes and that anxiety is a feeling that comes and then it will go, just like a bad weather day. You’re a fighter – you’ve been fighting anxiety and winning for a while now. You’re strong, brave and resilient and you have everything you need inside you to deal with anything that might stand in your way. 



hello, i’m 18 years old. My boyfriend and i met with a freak accident a few weeks ago. We’re both alive and fine but i’m suffering a lot of trauma and anxiety from the accident. I’ve always had anxiety but it has gotten a lot worse and i’m having trouble sleeping and eating. Is there anything i can do that can help me with the ptsd so i can focus on college and help my boyfriend heal from the wounds sustained from the accident.

Karen Young

To move through a trauma, sometimes it can be helpful to get outside support in the form of counselling or therapy. At the same time, try the strategies mentioned in the articles on this side to strengthen you.

Sandra moorhouse

Hi i started with agraphobia at 14 i am 52 now. I over came it but boy im left with bad anxiety. Every day i struggle . Work going out. My confidence is nill. I can make other people laugh feel good ect but cant conbate my own racing thoughts. Im in a self made prison. Relax is even scary to me i dont even know how. Im devorced live with my 27 yr old son.


I have never really realized until I came across this article that I have anxiety. I have always had the fear of someone leaving me. Being mentally and physically abused as a child I think may have caused these issues now. I have always been one to not do things because of the What if’s. I constantly look for things in a relationship just so I won’t get hurt in the future. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed I feel like I want to scream because I don’t know how to deal with my feelings. Now that that I have realized what’s going on with me I can help myself with theses thoughts. Very helpful article.


Thanks for this really great and helpful article. I’ve been dealing with cancer for 3 years now and i had frequent episodes of anxiety attacks this year that caused me to be anxious and worried often! I thought i was losing my mind! Thank you! I will apply these methods!


This article is amazing!!! I seriously always felt that I couldn’t really do anything else to cope with my anxiety. I felt some sort of lost on how to go about it because it started affecting my everyday life so much. I found this article randomly. This has given me so much hope on how to deal with anxiety!! I am printing it and planning on keeping it with me at all times just in case I have a very bad panic attack.

Thank you so much !

Jeanne F

I echo the writers who’ve found common sense, common ground, and “tricks” to teach the mind new paths. With small steps. I subscribed and will keep coming back to heysigmund for more techniques and reassurance. Thank you.


Hi Karen,

Thanks for the article! Just wanted to tell you it helped me a great deal and provided me with some new perspectives. Others here need to realize these are general tips and you are not their professional mental health care giver! Try to incorporate some/all these tips to better yourself. This is not an instant cure to all problems.

Keep it up Karen! your article is helping many people 🙂


I often get anxiety attacks. A couple months ago I didn’t have this problem, but recently I have found myself extremely anxious and nervous about small things in my life. I don’t know where all of these attacks have come from, but it doesn’t really matter. I just want to fix it. For instance, I am 18 and I don’t know how to drive and I fear it. My mom tries to teach me and I’m taken over with fear and nervousness. I think to myself that when driving I have the power to hurt myself and someone else, which then results in me not performing so well. My anxiety is also ruining my relationship with my friends and boyfriend. I keep thinking he’s going to leave me, and I have talked to him about this several times and after each time I feel calm again. However, if I continue to worry and bring it up to him, pretty sure he will eventually begin to believe there is a problem between he and I, but really there isn’t. It’s me. Reading this article gives me hope that this is all just a phase and it will pass. Makes me also think that perhaps all this anxiety is from new changes in my life; I’m going to college, entering adulthood, and I recently broke up with my boyfriend whom I’ve been with for 2 years for this other guy. I just hope doing these exercises will help me, because I feel like I’m to the point where I need help.


Hi, I am 49 and have had some anxiety and trust issues my entire life. 7 years ago my husband and my daughter found a part time job at a halloween haunted attraction. After the first year and over the following 4 years my husband became obsessed with the place and eat, drank and spoke of the place non-stop. During his 4th year there he cheated on me with someone 30 years younger than himself. He lied for months and now 3 years after all of this we are still together but he wants to go back to the haunted attraction and i have major anxiety about the place. Some days i cant even think about the place without getting anxious and crying. Our marriage is still not on solid ground and the only problem in our marriage is that place. I do not know what to do at this point to overcome my anxiety

Karen Young

Marie, the anxiety you are feeling about that place is completely valid and understandable. It sounds as though it is a place that holds many traumatic memories for you. Your feelings are valid and contain important wisdom about what you need more of or less of. What do you need more of or less of to feel safer and more protected in your marriage? Your anxiety and your feelings will hold the clue. If your husband wants to go back to this place, perhaps there will be things he can also do to help you feel safer. It’s possible what you need most of all is for him not to go back. That’s completely valid too. Relationships are a compromise. Think about these and talk to him about them. Hopefully he will be open to what you need and open to compromising, with you giving him a little of what he needs if he gives you a little of what you need. If he isn’t prepared to listen or compromise, that would be the time to ask what is in this relationship for you. You deserve to feel love, safe and nurtured.


Hi. Thank you for the article. I’ll definitely try to use these tips. I’m a 45 year old mom of three teen boys. I’ve always been anxious – especially where health is concerned. The newest fear is my upcoming annual mammogram because I’ve had two false alarms at previous screenings. Anyway, it doesn’t matter what kind of medical test I get – I’m always nervous about it and over research everything on Dr. Google. I think the worst whenever any of my kids have a cold or a bump or bruise. I’m tired of my anxiety taking up space in my brain and distracting me from the good times with my kids. It’s exhausting and also causes me to have panic attacks. I’m so tired. Thank you again and best wishes to all of you with anxiety. 🙂


I am having some trouble with school. My marks are no where of what they used to be and my marks are slowly declining. There is a lot of pressure being put on me as my parents are extremely strict. I am 14 and am in high school. Please help me.

Karen Young

David you have everything in you to get to where you want to be. If you don’t believe it, act as though it’s true. Your brain will believe it and will back you up with the physical and mental resources you need. The more you doubt yourself, the more anxious you will be, and the more difficult it will be to perform. Here is an article that might be helpful for you (if you haven’t read it already). I would really encourage you to try to incorporate a regular practice of mindfulness into your day. Even if you start with 10 minutes and work up from there. A lot of research has shown it can steady a worrying mind and strengthen it, help it to be more focussed, more attentive, and help you sleep better. There are many mindfulness apps, otherwise there are many other ways to practice mindfulness. Here are some There is magic in you – you just have to believe it enough to bring it to life.

Laura K

I hope you are feeling better. I’m tutoring a 14 year old neighbor. I always just tell him to do his best. He’s so hard on himself, even though he does pretty good in school. He had a F in math but I’m helping him bring it up and idc what he makes….as long as he’s trying…and I know your parents feel the same…even if they don’t say it.

My neighbor is always scared he’ll do something that’ll make his mom or dad not love him. I hope you know that’s just not possible.

Do your best and it’ll always be enough. Also, being hard on yourself and feeling bad because you feel like you’re letting them down just adds more stress…and stress isn’t good for us. We can’t think when we’re anxious, ya know? So just do what you know is your best and know that it’s good enough. Parents may be hard on you but that’s just to push you. They’ll love you no matter what. If they don’t, they’re not doing it right.

Sending you warm thoughts, hugs, & prayers! Best!

Penelope W

It is difficult dealing with parents who have expectations and you too want to do well as you actually want different things. If you can be brave and are able try and listen to then but then say ‘I am doing my best. Do not put any further pressure on me as it will make me anxious and then I will not succeed’. If they believe in a god tell them that ‘god’ has his plans for you and the do not have to worry. That might work but I would also get hold of a school counsellor and use them and they are interested in you and how you feel, not what your parents want you to achieve. Don’t forget you are young. Whether you work hard or whether you get high marks or not you will still have an interesting life. It is difficult when you love your parents, but it is your life, not theirs and you must do what you want in the end. Knowledge is useful but exams you can take throughout your life when you need them.


Hi Sophie, in case thoughts get too overwhelming, here’s a national suicide prevention hotline 800 273 825

Please trust me when I say everything will be okay in the end, it really will. I have been in the same boat as you when I was in secondary school, but I am alive and well now. If you ever want to talk, feel free to reach out ( just leave a follow up message)


Thanks very much for this article. I am for sure going to try it – good to know I am not the only anxious person 🙂


I recently can get my boyfriend cheating with some one he previously cheated with my instinct was put him out & just let them be because I thought that was what I was supposed to do however I asked him to come back because it hurt worse for us to be apart he says he’s not coming back until he gets his mind right because he doesn’t want to keep hurting me I’m anxious for him to come back because I pushed him out to her he still treats me the same or tries to but I can’t get over the fact he’s there & not here he tells me he’s coming back but I’m having a hard time coping with this so I’ve cried to him & begged him everyday he’s been gone for a week now to just come home he won’t budge & it’s driving me crazy I don’t understand why he won’t just come I mean I know he says he wants to get his mind right & knows that what he did wrong but my anxiety is taking over & I can’t even think about nothing else except my relationship/family bring threatened how do I ease up he says I’m pushing him away bc I’m not respecting how he feels & only concerned about my own when I’m just trying to make him understand​ the toll this is taking on me & for him to just come back home it’s really hard


I’m thirteen and recently I’ve been really irrationally scared of being kid napped, raped, etc to the point where I won’t go anywhere. It’s not like I have any real danger or immediate threat of this happening, but every time I go in public, my brain feels hot wired and I can’t think of anything else but these things happening to me. Even if I know that I’m in a relatively safe space like my home, these thoughts still seem to control me. And I try to tell myself these things and work on these tools to use, but my brain won’t let me because it’s like “you don’t REALLY know that you won’t kidnapped etc” and then I’m like “guess your right” I really don’t know what to do because at that point it’s just a dead end. If anyone can help please send me a message!

Karen Young

Makayla what you are describing makes a lot of sense. Thoughts can feel so real! The most important thing to remember is that they are only thoughts – they will come and they will go. Your brain is trying to protect you so it’s putting you on guard for everything. This is okay – it’s what brains are meant to do, but your thoughts are NOT predictions. Mindfulness is a great way to train your brain to let your thoughts come and go, without holding on to them for too long. Here is an article about that This is an article that I wrote for children younger than you, but read the section on thought clouds and thought bubbles. I us this strategy when my own worries start to get a little too fierce, so it might be something that can help you

Here is another article that will hopefully help you to understand your anxiety better, and help you with some strategies to manage it You’ve have a strong, healthy brain that’s working hard to protect you. Your very important job now is to take charge of it and decide which thoughts you want to hang to, and which ones you want to let go of. You’re going to be okay, and when you learn how to manage your anxiety, which you absolutely can do, you’ll have developed some amazing skills that will be great for you as you move forward.


Hi I’m Lorraine I have read all messages and can relate to a lot of them I’m 49years old suffer a. Lot of anxiety and panic attacks. I have got that scared I can’t seem to go on days out or holidays I panic as soon as I leave my town. It has taken over my life over the past few years. So frightened and don’t know what to do have been counselling but don’t seem to be working


I’m 15 and am currently in my third year of high school and all the pressure that people are putting on me regarding my studies is really bothering me. I am an average student and I really don’t have a habit of studying for even like an hour a day regularly and suddenly everyone rn are telling me that I should get my head in the game and start studying five hours a day. All of this is making me anxious. On top of this, my half yearly exams are 10 days away and I’m not prepared at all, and now I’m getting anxiety attacks and what not. I’m so tired of all this. My ever so long migraine adds to all of this, I get headaches everyday although I am taking medications. Nothing is helping me, last time when I had attacks and tried confessing it to my family they made fun of it, so, I’m not even going to try this time. I don’t know what to do. I feel like giving up.


I have suffered with anxiety for over 32 years. i have bad boughts for a few mnth to a year then nothing for years now its bck again i am having therapy now. But i found your advice great thanku

Harry d

Thankyou so much for this article, i have only been struggling with mild anxiety and yet recently i have been feeling like it has been taking over my ability to think straight whereas i would usually be fine. Overthinking and worrying seem to just take over, but reading this article and practising the steps have really helped me realise that ‘anxiety’ is all in my head and i dont have to surrender to it if i choose not to identify with the negative thoughts that pop up. Be positive and live happy thats all it takes, thankyou very much hopeully only good and better things to come



I’m a 25 year old female and suffer badly with anxiety. I was always a nervous child but then in university it went away. But now that I’m back working, it has come back badly. I also do not have a good relationship with my mother (who is also a very anxious person). I was recently home and found out one of the local girls came out as lesbian. I told mum and her response was terrible saying that ‘that’s not normal’ etc. I’m not sure how it affected me so much and we also had a few fights over the weekend but for some reason now I keep thinking maybe I’m a lesbian?! I have never been with a girl or had any thoughts in that way. I think my mind just fixates on stuff and worries but now I can’t stop questioning myself. Is this just my mind going crazy and trying to actually find a reason to stay anxious. It’s affecting my work and my social life. How do I stop it. Thanks!

Karen Young

What you are describing is not unusual with anxiety, so know that you aren’t alone. the most important thing to remember is that your thoughts are just thoughts – not predictions and not truths. They’ll come and then they’ll go and there is nothing at all wrong with you for thinking them. Here is an article that might help you understand how anxiety works

A lot of research has shown that mindfulness can be a powerful way to manage anxiety. Here is an article that talks about how that works


Thank you so much for this! It really has helped explain to me what has been happening to me recently. I have been worried about recent issues with my 15 year old teenager and I believe I have anxiety from worrying about his future choices as he goes through the mess that is this period of time and dealing with high school. I am focusing on the present and doing my best with whatever is thrown at me! If i get that numbing chest feeling that then tells my brain its time to worry (or vise versa) I then go to your article. I begin to switch to the present and slowly become calm again. It is my therapy, thank you so very much!!


I’ve dealt with anxiety for years. Any time some big change happens, it hits me. Right now, no matter what I do, my attacks are relentless. I’m currently on meds which I’ve been on for years. I have just decided today to seek help of a therapist. Trying to tackle this on my own isn’t working. I need guidance. My first appointment is in 4 days. I know there isn’t as easy fix but I truly wish there was. I’m a 40 year old female and can’t live like this anymore. I need to learn how to control it so it’s not controlling me. Reading about others that deal with the same is very helpful to me. It makes me feel like I’m not alone

Karen Young

You are certainly not alone! I’m so pleased you have decided to reach out for guidance from a therapist. Anxiety is certainly manageable, but sometimes it needs a team. I hope your appointment gives you the strength, hope and support you are looking for.


Hi my name is Jaime and I’ve be having anxiety for sometime now in have 3 child and I’m married I stay at home alot because of my anxiety it get it two times a day and most of the time I am thinking when I get my anxiety I get tired dizzy and I just meant everyone to leave me alone till it passes I feel depressed alot of the time and guilty too I have no idea what to do


hello, i am 36 years old and i am a truck driver that unloads my own loads by hand. i work in the hot summer sun and i think that dehydration has triggered more extreme anxiety. i know that i am an anxious person since as far as i can remember till now its never been this bad. now i am experiencing dizziness and being lightheaded. it makes me feel as if i am going to faint. upon researching and doing an anxiety quiz i have come to realize i have many symptoms that are related to anxiety. i have always been that person who rehearses conversations before engaging someone in conversation, i have digestion issues, i get headaches and neck pain randomly, and now i have this dizzyness, shortness of breath and the lightheaded feelings. also i tend to urinate throughout the night which made me think i had prostate issues. i went to the doctor and they did labs twice, two ekg’s and a ct scan and a heart monitor. they told me that everything was normal and that i have anxiety. i have been trying to get more sleep and been taking melatonin with l theonine. i dont know if it is working well since its only been two nights so far and i have a one year old who cries for momma’s attention reqularly waking us. i dont want my wife sleeping seperate from me. is there any advice on what i can do for better sleep and less anxiety?

Karen Young

Justin it’s good that you have checked out other possibilities for your symptoms to rule them out. If your symptoms are from anxiety, two of the things that make the biggest difference according to the research is exercise and meditation. It sounds as though you are getting a lot of physical movement with your unloading, but are you able to include something that will get your heart rate up? A brisk walk will do it. If you can, try for 30 minutes 5 times a week. Here’s an article that will explain why that’s important Tons of research has also indicated that meditation can make a big difference to anxiety. The added bonus is that it will also help you with your sleep. Here is an article that explains why A good place to start with mindfulness is with an app. There are plenty out there, but one I like is called Smiling Mind. It’s free to download and has guided meditations. Try for 10 minutes a day to start and work up to 20 minutes a day – even if you have to break that into two x 10 minute sessions. I hope this helps.


This article was really helpful. I have been doing most of these things anyway and it works for me. I am 27 years old and had anxiety for about 10 months. I know it will go one day and for anyone reading this I would say just carry on as normal the best you can, you will surprise yourself with what you can overcome. I’ve had job interviews, started a new job and even spoke at a funeral. The anxiety is always there but just remind yourself that’s all it is and be strong and just let it be.


Hi , my name is Gil . I am going through a divorce. And have suffered with anxiety for quite a while. Last
Has been the worst ? I am on Burpar and Benzos as needed. Will these practices help me get off off the meds ? I pray that in time this will help. Thanks

Karen Young

Even if you are on medication it is important to do the things that will strengthen your brain. Exercise, mindfulness, meditation, gut health have all been shown by so much research to change the structure and function of the brain in ways that can strengthen it against anxiety. There is no reason not to try them, but it is important that you don’t wean off any meda without the guidance of a doctor. In terms of these practices, being consistent and practicing regularly is the key. Be patient, if you have been struggling with anxiety for a while, and have been on meds for a while it might take time but bit by bit it will make a difference.


Recently I’ve been experiencing momentary bouts of dizziness. Frequently I wake up at 4am in a cold sweat with a feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach. Today out of the blue, I feel dizzy when I move my head; its like I’m on a boat when I walk. I don’t like it because it’s hampering me when I’ve got loads to do. To be fair my life is pretty hectic, but this is how I like it. Life’s too short. Over the past 18 months I’ve established my own business, doing work that I love, learning so much, and meeting so many new people. I’m a Mum of three amazing children who fill me with joy and fear for them in equal measure. I would say for the past twenty years I have felt sometimes an overwhelming personal responsibility to make sure that everyone is looked after, the bills are paid, and we as a family have good times, share new experiences, and progress. I would say that I’m constantly worried about lots of things, but I’m a hardy Scots lass known for my optimistic outlook. I have a huge capacity for work. I love what I do and providing for my family drives this. Finding myself with this dizziness, and feeling as weak as a kitten today, is a wake up that perhaps I need to do things differently, but how, after so long? Reading your article felt like you understand all of the above, like you placed a warm and comforting arm around me and pointed me gently towards a way forward, and the understanding that everything’s going to be okay. Thank you.

Karen Young

I’m so pleased you felt the comfort in the article. You are working so hard to make an amazing difference to your family and the world around you – and now you need to find time to rest. I know how difficult that can be – oh gosh do I know! You will absolutely be okay. You have been okay for this long – better than okay – you’ve been resilient, resourceful and incredible. Now is your time to find time to restore your body, mind and spirit.


I am constantly anxious at night. When I wake up to quick or sometimes anything electronic around me. I tend have triggers from past panic episodes. I used to take medication but have not had any for a while. I’m miserable.

Karen Young

Deb I can imagine this would be awful for you. Memories of past expisodes can certainly be powerful in triggering new episodes – memories trigger thoughts, feelings and sensations and re-experiencing. Try mindfulness and exercise – there is so much research that has documented their positive effects on anxiety. Mindfulness will help your brain to stay in the present when you need it, and strengthen it against it accessing thoughts, feelings and memories from previous panic attacks.


Hi Karen

I’m 55 years old and my wife had open heart surgery a month ago. Though she is recovering quite well, I’ve been been having bouts of anxiety about my own health. I have gone to my doctor with pain on the far left side of my chest and they’ve done two ekgs and I even went to the ER just to make sure nothing is wrong and it was determined to be a muscle pull along the chest wall which makes sense since my job is physical to some degree . People are saying that I’ve gone through a lot of stress in the last month and that this is normal. I have an appointment with a cardiologist and also with a psychiatrist. My dad and his brother both had heart attacks and have had bypass surgery, though my dad passed away awhile after having a second heart attack 8 years ago. Ever since my dad’s passing I have had issues with thoughts of my own mortality and occasionally had some mild anxiety about it but it usually only lasted a day. These recent attacks have been very intense and there have been sleepless nights as a result.

I found your article to be very helpful and felt a little better after just reading it and will try and put it to use. If you have any other suggestions, I’d like to hear them.

Thank you

Karen Young

Walt I’m pleased you’re getting the pain in your chest checked out. If there turns out to be no physical cause for your continual heart pain, it may be anxiety. During anxiety, the heart beats faster to get the fight or flight neurochemicals around the body. The tests you are having, as well as your psychiatrist will be able to help you to understand whether your experience is because of anxiety or because of something else. Here is an article that will explain the physical effects of anxiety in a little more details. I hope it helps and I hope you are able to get some clarity and comfort soon.


I have not been diagnosed with anxiety, and I know if I do have it it’s not severe, but lately I have been getting anxious about tiny things- loud noises, people talking all at once, talk about the future, and sometimes I’ll just sit there and start to feel nervous, angry, sad, or sometimes like I just need to yell. I’m a junior in high school and I think it may just be stress related from all my school work, but it’s not like anxiety I’ve felt about school before. I also wanted to know if you can get physical symptoms, like throwing up, from anxiety? That happened to me today pretty much out of the blue and I think it was stress related. Any advice?

Karen Young

Anxiety is all about physiology and it absolutely comes with physical symptoms. This article will explain how that works, as well as some ways to manage it Everything you are describing makes so much sense in the context of anxiety. I know how awful anxiety can feel, but I really want you to know that anxiety is also very manageable. I hope the article will be helpful for you.


I have been struggling with anxiety in the last 3 years. This started when suddenly i felt dizzy. I got terribly scared thinking that i might be having high bp and it might lead to stroke just like my dad. He died at age 55 because of stroke. He was in a public place when he had an attack. i had all labs taken, everything was normal except for a little low blood count. I was then taking iron supplements but even after it got normal. Even then i still felt terribly anxious everytime i feel dizzy or having a headache. The doc checked all the possibilities of whats causing it, all the tests were normal. Until we arrived at the conclusion that I have anxiety. Tried seeing a psychiatrist and the anxiety has gotten worst after taking the medication she prescribed, not because the medication was ineffective, i wasnt really sure because i stopped after learning that it’s an anti-anxiety/depressant and anti-psychotic– the word psychotic made me terribly tense. I was worried that i might have gone crazy.. i talked to some friends who also struggled with anxiety, none of them were prescribed with medication, just tips on how to cope with it.. anyway, iv made my own research, applied the techniques learned including the ones mentioned in this article, lived a healthy diet.. and it worked.. on many occasions, i was able to manage my anxiety until lately, after i gave birth. Things went terribly wrong.. the anxiety is all over me again and i cant seem to manage it this time even after trying to apply all the techniques i learned before..what made it worse is that this time my bp has gone up. I had my pre-eclamsia tests twice.. both were negative. The doc diagnosed me with having gestational hypertension.. with my anxiety, i felt like my computer crashed.. erasing all of my important files and now i have to reformat it again.. the problem is, this time i dont know where to start and what to do as none of the tips seem to work for me anymore. hope you can help me..

Karen Young

Anna I completely understand how frightening anxiety can be. It’s likely that there are a number of things contributing, including a lack of deep sleep which tends to be the way when there is a new baby on board. It’s also likely that your body is adjusting to hormonal changes, as well as the added anxiety of having a small human to take care of now, as well as getting used to a new normal. But you can do this. You’ve done it before and you can do it again. Sleep when you can – it’s one of the most restorative things you can do. During sleep, your brain sorts through its emotional ‘stuff’ from during the day. It’s why anxiety, depression, and mood generally can all worsen when we’re tired. Try to keep exercising. Exercise balances out vital neurochemicals in the brain that tend to be low during anxiety. Here is an article that will explain that One way to do this with your little one is to walk for about 30 minutes each day. Being outside will be good for both of you, and the exercise will really help to ease your anxiety. The other thing that can really help with anxiety is meditation or mindfulness. I know how difficult it can be to find time to do this when there is a new baby to take care of, but it really can help to strengthen you against anxiety. Here are a couple of articles that will explain how that works and Finally, gut health is critical. Gut healht and mental health are so connected. Here is an article that explains how that works Including fermented foods, as many different plant foods as you can, or a probiotic supplement can help. A great book to read that outlines the food to eat and the research about gut health and why it’s so important to mood as well as our overall well-being is ‘The Clever Guts Diet’ by Dr Michael Mosley.
Above everything, it’s important to be patient and be kind to yourself. You and your body are going through a massive adjustment. You have strengthened yourself against your anxiety before and you will do it again. You have everything you need inside you to do that.


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When times feel uncertain or your own anxiety feels big, come home to the things that make sense. 

Come home to each other, to stillness, to play, to rest, and conversation. 

Come home to listening more openly and caring more deeply, to nature, and warm baths, and being more deliberate, to fighting for what we can control, and the soft surrender to what we can’t. 

Come home to stories, and music, and to the safety of your tribe. 

Come home to that part of you that is timeless, and strong, and still, and wise, and which knows that, like everything that has ever felt bigger than you for a while, you will get them and you through this.♥️
Separation anxiety can come with a tail whip - not only does it swipe at kids, but it will so often feel brutal for their important adults too.

If your child struggle to separate at school, or if bedtimes tougher than you’d like them to be, or if ‘goodbye’ often come with tears or pleas to stay, or the ‘fun’ from activities or play dates get lost in the anxiety of being away from you, I hear you.

There’s a really good reason for all of these, and none of them have anything to do with your parenting, or your child not being ‘brave enough’. Promise. And I have something for you. 

My 2 hour on-demand separation anxiety webinar is now available for purchase. 

This webinar is full of practical, powerful strategies and information to support your young person to feel safer, calmer, and braver when they are away from you. 

We’ll explore why separation anxiety happens and powerful strategies you can use straight away to support your child. Most importantly, you’ll be strengthening them in ways that serve them not just for now but for the rest of their lives.

Access to the recording will be available for 30 days from the date of purchase.

Link to shop in bio.
The more we treat anxiety as a problem, or as something to be avoided, the more we inadvertently turn them away from the safe, growthful, brave things that drive it. 

On the other hand, when we make space for anxiety, let it in, welcome it, be with it, the more we make way for them to recognise that anxiety isn’t something they need to avoid. They can feel anxious and do brave. 

As long as they are safe, let them know this. Let them see you believing them that this feels big, and believing in them, that they can handle the big. 

‘Yes this feels scary. Of course it does - you’re doing something important/ new/ hard. I know you can do this. How can I help you feel brave?’♥️
I’ve loved working with @sccrcentre over the last 10 years. They do profoundly important work with families - keeping connections, reducing clinflict, building relationships - and they do it so incredibly well. @sccrcentre thank you for everything you do, and for letting me be a part of it. I love what you do and what you stand for. Your work over the last decade has been life-changing for so many. I know the next decade will be even more so.♥️

In their words …
Posted @withregram • @sccrcentre Over the next fortnight, as we prepare to mark our 10th anniversary (28 March), we want to re-share the great partners we’ve worked with over the past decade. We start today with Karen Young of Hey Sigmund.

Back in 2021, when we were still struggling with covid and lockdowns, Karen spoke as part of our online conference on ‘Strengthening the relationship between you & your teen’. It was a great talk and I’m delighted that you can still listen to it via the link in the bio.

Karen also blogged about our work for the Hey Sigmund website in 2018. ‘How to Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Children and Teens by Understanding Their Unique Brain Chemistry (by SCCR)’, which is still available to read - see link in bio.

#conflictresolution #conflict #families #family #mediation #earlyintervention #decade #anniversary #digital #scotland #scottish #cyrenians #psychology #relationships #children #teens #brain #brainchemistry #neuroscience
I often go into schools to talk to kids and teens about anxiety and big feelings. 

I always ask, ‘Who’s tried breathing through big feels and thinks it’s a load of rubbish?’ Most of them put their hand up. I put my hand up too, ‘Me too,’ I tell them, ‘I used to think the same as you. But now I know why it didn’t work, and what I needed to do to give me this powerful tool (and it’s so powerful!) that can calm anxiety, anger - all big feelings.’

The thing is though, all powertools need a little instruction and practice to use them well. Breathing is no different. Even though we’ve been breathing since we were born, we haven’t been strong breathing through big feelings. 

When the ‘feeling brain’ is upset, it drives short shallow breathing. This is instinctive. In the same ways we have to teach our bodies how to walk, ride a bike, talk, we also have to teach our brains how to breathe during big feelings. We do this by practising slow, strong breathing when we’re calm. 

We also have to make the ‘why’ clear. I talk about the ‘why’ for strong breathing in Hey Warrior, Dear You Love From Your Brain, and Ups and Downs. Our kids are hungry for the science, and they deserve the information that will make this all make sense. Breathing is like a lullaby for the amygdala - but only when it’s practised lots during calm.♥️

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